Mearns Learns

Table Mountain built with blocks

Folder structure tips

Using dates as folder names

When creating folders based on dates start the name with YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 2015-12-31).


When you sort the folders into ascending order, the folders will appear in date order. The latest folder will appear first and the oldest folder last.

Month sub folders

If you create a folder with the year as a name and 12 sub folders for the months


  • Jan
  • Feb
  • ….
  • Dec

When the folder is sorted in ascending order, the months will not be displayed in order.

Change the sub folder names to MM-Month name.


  • 01-Jan
  • 02-Feb
  • ….
  • 12-Dec

Tip: Create the monthly folder structure for a 9999 year. Copy all the sub-folders into any new year folder.

@ Folders

Prefix any important or frequently used folders with an at-sign @. When the folders are sorted into ascending order folders with the @ prefixed will appear at the top